We are happy to share that the paper in collaboration with Bruno Carmo and Daiane Dolci has just been published in Physical Review Fluids.
Take a look at the main findings of our paper:
We present a method to calculate the sensitivity of the two least stable eigenvalues concerning an external forcing added in a fluid-structure interaction system (FSIS). In this case, the sensitivity mappings show that the response of an FSIS can be very different from its fixed structure counterpart. In addition, the fields vary according to the reduced velocity. These sensitivity mappings allow a guideline for passive control strategies, as confirmed by nonlinear simulations, which result in vortex-induced vibration attenuation or mitigation, depending on the case.
The full paper can be accessed at: https://journals.aps.org/prfluids/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.083901