Paper published by Geoscientific Model Development
We are proud to announce that the paper in collaboration with Daiane Dolci, Felipe Silva, Pedro Peixoto, and Ernani Volpe has just been published in Geoscientific Model Development. This paper is a result of our research inside the STMI (Software Technologies for Modelling and Inversion), which is a project of the Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Innovation (RCGI).
This paper investigates and compares the theoretical and computational characteristics of several absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs) for the Full-Waveform Inversion (FWI) problem. The different ABCs are implemented in an optimized computational framework, Devito. The computational efficiency and memory requirements of the ABCs’methods are evaluated in the forward and adjoint wave propagators, from simple to realistic velocity models.
This paper investigates and compares the theoretical and computational characteristics of several absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs) for the Full-Waveform Inversion (FWI) problem. The different ABCs are implemented in an optimized computational framework, Devito. The computational efficiency and memory requirements of the ABCs’methods are evaluated in the forward and adjoint wave propagators, from simple to realistic velocity models.